
Welcome to Evaguay...

The World of EgstonVonBrick.*

*Lifetime President of Evagauy.





Welcome to Evaguay!

A world free from meddlers, vegetable eaters, Guardian reading pompous fools and those who know best.

As an old fiend once said; 'Do what thy want shall be the whole of the Law' and an even closer friend noted that 'Government is there to protect us from each other and not ourselves!'.

Evaguay's aim is to combine these philosophy's into a place where responsible Nihilism is not frowned upon and the self important busy-bodies become the new Guy Fawkes.

Please see below for more information on Evaguay and how you can contribute to this New Jerusalem.


Currently due to some 'legal issues' the location of Evaguay cannot be openly shared, but please contact the 'tourism' office for more information.


Evaguay has been criticised for being on the fascistic side of life and admittedly there is a vein of truth to this fact. The President, when forced, can be exceedingly vicious, but we hope in a benign way.

What you do to yourselves here is your own business.

If other people are involved and have consented then that is your and their business.

'Activities' without the consent from the individuals involved or any fallout on others from you actions on uninterested parties will invoke the aforementioned viciousness mentioned above. So Fascists? - well - only when deserved.

A list of hobbies, past-times activities and how Evaguay feels about them is included below for you benefit;

  • Speeding - Yep - just don't hit anyone.
  • Drugs - yep, but please remember the bit about consent.
  • Guns - oh yes.
  • Smoking - Yep.
  • Self-harm - fine.
  • Suicide - Cool with us.
  • The 'Media' - Hmm not too keen and our citizens have come here for a reason.
  • Celebrities - Welcome but we do not care or even want to know who you are.
  • Pasts - As long as your misdemeanour's were not committed here we do not care but transgress whilst enjoying our hospitality is not looked on kindly.
  • Certain previous 'activities' are not looked on kindly in Evaguay. Although you are still welcome we strongly advise you purchase 'single' for the duration of your stay.

Constitution and Policies

On Evaguay the system runs by having one vote for one man and that man is our most beneficial President.
He does not like to interfere and resents having to get 'involved'.

Please Note: The Evaguay Constitution and policies are available to download and are in Adobe Acrobat Format.
Please visit www.adobe.com to download a file reader if you do not already have one.

We have policies on the following (well actually we don't and in all probability never will as dross like this load of old bunkem is precisely why Evaguay exists!):


It is of great importance to note that Evaguay is not a democracy.

We hope your time in Evaguay will be a happy and productive one. If you have any queries or if we can be of any help, please contact a member of the committee at any time.

Accredited by 'me'.

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Please note the information on this site is liable to change... on a whim...
...and i realy must get with the modern world and blogging etc. rather than webpages that look like they are from 1994!