


  • Janet Ellis
  • Duke of W
  • Oliver Cromwell
  • Gustavus Adolphus
  • Julius Ceaser
  • Athelstan
  • Henry V
  • Elizabeth I
  • Boudica

The President has a few heroes;

Janet Ellis:

Where the Greeks had Pallas Athena...

The Romans their Minerva...

Evaguay has... Janet Ellis.

She is our Goddess of:

  • war,
  • civilization,
  • wisdom,
  • strength,
  • strategy,
  • crafts,
  • justice and skill.

Janet is our shrewd companion, a companion for our heroes, the goddess of heroic endeavour.

She is the virgin patron of Evaguay.

There are plans afoot to build a Parthenon on our Acropolis in her namesake city; Janetta, in her honour!

Goddess of Evaguay.

Duke of Wellington

Coming soon.

Oliver Cromwell

Coming soon.

Gustavus Adolphus

Coming soon.

Julius Ceaser

Coming soon.


Coming soon.

Elithebeth I

Coming soon.

Henry V

Coming soon.


Coming soon.