
Guns / Weapons


I only have a few and none are class-one.

I do have book that shows you how to make one...

But was led to beleive that in England this is considered to be 'quite naughty'.

When all the current legal ramblings regards Evaguay are resolved, rest assured...there will be guns and weapons.


Being a boy that grew up in the 1970's surrounded by images of gatuitous virtuous death and destruction that veered from small toy soldiers, divisions of Dinky and Airfix miltaria, army diposal shops rammed full of cheap memorabilia and a non stop televisual broadcast of death and destruction...

Its not unreasonable to see why i have been conditiond to be attracted to such things... this is only compunded by them all being illegal which just heightens my desire for them.

Accredited by 'me'.

Please note the information on this site is liable to change... on a whim...
...and i realy must get with the modern world and blogging etc. rather than webpages that look like they are from 1994!