



As most sensible people do i have an eclectic taste in music, although saying this the vast amount veers towards the: punk, heavy metal end with a smattering of classical and includes such stuff as Kate Bush, Leadbelly and sadly an ever increasing amount of Jazz.

Things i like in music... passion.

Things i don't like in music... over production, derivative toss.

I'd much rather listen to something with hideous production and passion (Crass) to the overproduced pre-pubescent whinings arse-wipery that seems so prevalent at the moment (R&B).

Although i will settle for both (Production + Passion) and Mozart's Requiem is a fave but sadly still lacks the passion of Slipknots Duality.

Most numerous records in the collection would be Hawkwind. For some strange inexplicable reason i enjoy most of their stuff.
The world should also be damn sight more grateful to Hawkwind for they produced the galaxy's best live album: Space Ritual.

I also have a huge place in my heart for the UK Hardcore scene of the late 80's early 90's. The top of the crop would have to go to the mighty DooM, closely followed by Extreme Noise Terror, Conflict and Deviated Instinct followed by so many more...

Award for the most underrated band ever must go to the Stupids.

HipHop as a rule leaves me cold... other than De La Soul who outshine most of this genre by a huge amount and sadly have not been bettered in a generation :(

Some more ramblings will follow soon... must sort out a blog so i can update this stuff easily so that i can sure that my latest ramblings are still never read by anyone.