
Evaguay Cabinet:

Cabinet Members:



Such a proud and ambitious nation as Evaguay needs more than the violent steel fist of a vicious uncaring nihilistic dictator... oh yes... those blacked out transit vans don't drive themselves you know!

What it also needs is caring, intellectuals with a wide spread of experience... or as i like to call them 'accomplices'.

The following roles of 'governance' are under review. When suitable persons can be found they will be detailed below...

If you would like to put yourself forward for any of these or other roles please submit a resume to me.

Current roles are detailed below - there may be more - and this will depend entirely on... err cash, looks, bribery (both ways) and 'force of will'.

Good luck and God Speed!
(oops scrub the last bit, we currently have him interned - in the tidal cell - for certain indiscretions (with loaves and fishes) last Christmas that myself and some of the Evaguayan wildlife have still to forgive him for).


Roles / Responsibility: Errr... war, death, destruction and wholesale effing-the-shite-out-of-everything!
Resume: Experience of mass brutality and genocide are not required but a penchant for brutal thuggery may just seal the deal!
E-mail: TBC
Photo: TBC

Foreign Affairs

Roles / Responsibility: Please see Defence
Resume: Please see Defence
E-mail: TBC
Photo: TBC

Home Office (Internal Security)

Roles / Responsibility: Please see Defence - although you will have to this quietly! Shhhhhhh!
Resume: Please see Defence - although you will have to this quietly! Shhhhhhh!
E-mail: TBC
Photo: TBC


Roles / Responsibility: Errr... you guessed it!
Resume: That.
E-mail: TBC
Photo: TBC


Roles / Responsibility: Errr... yep 'that' again!
Resume: More of 'that'.
E-mail: TBC
Photo: TBC


Roles / Responsibility: Yes
Resume: Yes
E-mail: TBC
Photo: TBC

Finance / Treasury

Roles / Responsibility: Nope, not any different to all of the above.
Resume: Kapow!
E-mail: TBC
Photo: TBC

Accredited by 'me'.

Please note the information on this site is liable to change... on a whim...
...and i realy must get with the modern world and blogging etc. rather than webpages that look like they are from 1994!