




A sad and painful confession...

But to to show the Presidents commitment to honesty... i am coming clean regards this sordid past time.

Please do not misunderstand that this admission means that i like 'Wargamgers', who on a whole are a bunch of repellent, stinky, know-all, panty wasting mummy's boys whose sickly palour and unctuous appearance can truly make the flesh creep.

But amongst this tide of unwashed festering filth is a core of genial chaps, with a penchant for history, a liking of rolling the dice, a munch on some nibbles and an easy going attitude.


Currently my wargame of choice, lots of chance to collect lots of armies, plays in about an hour, and gives you a great game - so it may not be for the button-counting nerds but i can't be arsed with all that and this game has give me many hours of crisp-munching fun.

A great DBA resource is the Fanaticus website: Fanaticus have a delve around and there is a mine of info.

I'm not sick enough to play in 15mm and all my armies are in the 28mm size ranges including;

Early Muslim - ???

Norman - Gripping Beast

WOTR - Perrys 1, 2, 3, 4


A cracking game of 10mm mayhem and stupidity. I'm not usually one for the fantasy toss but this game with 2000 point armies gives a most enjoyably daft, swooping, crashing and burning evening of mayhem.

I play skellies, mainly against Orcs but am working toward a human army as well.

Games Workshop have kindly allowed these rules to be downloaded for FREE from thier website, you'll find them under the 'specialist Games' menu option:  Games Workshop.

Warmaster Ancients

Work is afoot to play this with a range of figures created for Hittites and Assyrian and figures to cover this period of time.

Black Powder

We've tried this at 10mm with Si's lovely range of Napoleonics, not overly keen on the rules, this may be due to the nature of Nappy fighting and are planning to try again with a different period... ECW in 28mm.

I ain't been shot mum

I have yet to play this - but it has been planned for ooh three years!


Skirmish game 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Dungeon game plus template.


Played this and it wore thin - but feel a return is due.

Victory at Sea

Played this and it wore thin - but feel a return is due.


If you want miniatures forum minus the banality but full of the profanity go no further - if you want an honest opinion these are the people i would trust. Even tho they can be a whining bunch of arses.


This is one of the biggest miniature and wargaming forums, but it makes my head hurt trying to use it and there are some very 'special' people who contribute, but it is still the place to list your wares or see what's up (in a safe for work environment).