Urbane miniatures









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 - Normans
    Infantry pack
    Knight pack
    Command pack
    Army deal -
- Saxons
    Infantry pack
    Command pack
    Army deal
- Coming soon
    Norman light horse
    Support figures
    Weapon pack / shields / arms

Norman Infantry (UrNi#1 - Spear and Kite shield)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal Norman infantry armed with spear and kite shields.

Norman Knights (UrNk#1 - Spear and Kite shield)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal mouted Norman knights armed with spear, mail and kite shields.

Norman Command (UrNc#1)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal mouted Norman knight command figures including William, Odo, Standard Bearer and Knight.

Norman Archers (UrNa#1)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal archers.

Norman Army Deal (UrNad#1)

This pack contains enough figures to complete a DBA Norman army or as a starter for a well balanced force.
It includes:
 - 16x15mm white metal mouted Norman infantry including William, Odo, Standard Bearer and Knight.
-  4 x command figures
-  4 x archers
- 15 x norman knight

Saxon Infantry (UrSi#1 - Spear and Kite shield)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal Saxon infantry armed with spear and kite shields.

Saxon Thegns (UrSt#1 - Axes and Kite shield)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal Saxon Thegns armed with large axe mail and swords.

Saxon Command (UrSc#1)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal Saxon infantry command figuresincluding Harold, xxxx, xxx and a Standard bearer.

Saxon Archers (UrSa#1)

This pack contains 4x15mm white metal archers.

Saxon Army Deal (UrSad#1)

This pack contains enough figures to complete a DBA Saxon army or as a starter for a well balanced force.
It includes:
- 28x15mm white metal Saxon infantry armed with Spear, mail and kite shield.
- 4 x command figures
- 4 x archers
- 8 x Saxon Thegns

© 2013 - Urbane Miniatures